
Cities are the urban jewels of our industrialized civilization. It is very likely that whoever is reading this is in a city, but it is only a statistical consequence of their high population density.

The chronometric cycles that a city follows in the course of a day are interesting. During the day humans move from the suburbs and residential neighborhoods to the industrial and economic center of the city, and at night they all return to their homes to start the next day: A constant oscillation from diastole to systole in each of the daily processes of an average city. The city can be seen then as a great organism that breathes to the rhythm of its organic subsystems, and whose sole purpose is to maintain itself and optimize production.

sometimes it is easy to forget that we are just replaceable gears in a great mechanism that serves private interests


Photo editing

From the artist

The photo was taken by me from my old workplace, it is the night panorama of downtown Sao Paulo. I found it interesting that when reflecting on the vertical axis the rotated photo, it seems that the face of a bull was formed.

It reminded me of how much I always felt trapped in my work, like an ocean of colors locked in a cardboard box.

Models and references